Each of these stories contains a retelling of the Bible story, questions to think about (great for introducing the story), a special lesson to remember, a Scripture memory verse, a prayer, where the story can be found in the Bible, and usually activities, crafts, and songs to go along with the story. More to come! In some instances, we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. Your helpful suggestions for resources are welcome!
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Part 1 - Stories of the Old Testament
The Beginnings
A Twinkle in the Dark (Genesis 1:1-19)
The First Man (Genesis 1:20-31; 2-3)
No Place to Hide (Genesis 3:18-19, 23-24; 4:1-16)
Rain! Rain! Rain! (Genesis 6:5 - 9:17)
What Did You Say? (Genesis 9:18-20, 28-29; 10:6-10; 11:1-9)
AbrahamAbram Leaves Home (Genesis 11:26; 12:1-20)
Lot's Choice (Genesis 13:1-18)
The Enemy Is Coming! (Genesis 11:27-28; 12:4; 13:1-13; 14:1-7)
Abram Rescues Lot (Genesis 14:8-24)
God's Promise to Abram (Genesis 15-16)
Surprise Company! (Genesis 17:1-27 and 18:1-16)
Abraham's Prayer (Genesis 18:16-19:3 and 19:12-29)
Child of Promise (Genesis 21:1-8)
The Sacrifice (Genesis 22:1-19)
Eliezer - Abraham's Faithful Servant (Genesis 24:1-27)
Rebekah Trusts the Lord (Genesis 24:15-67)
Trouble for Isaac (Genesis 26:1-13)
Wells, Wells, and More Wells (Genesis 26:13-33)
AchanI Wa-a-a-nt! (Joshua 7:19-26) or (click here for teen edition)
BalaamDonkey Talk (Numbers 22-25; 31:16)
DanielThe Horrid Nightmare (Daniel 2)
Overnight with the Lions (Daniel 6)
DavidGod Chooses a New King (1 Samuel 16:1-13)
A Boy, a Giant, and a Slingshot (1 Samuel 17)
Closer Than A Brother (1 Samuel 17:57; 18:1-14; 19:3)
DeborahThe Prophetess-Judge, the General and the Hammer Woman Part 1 (Judges 4:1-12)
The Prophetess-Judge, the General and the Hammer Woman Part 2 (Judges 4:13-5:31)
ElijahElijah (Part 1): Fed by a Raven (1 Kings 17:1-6)
Elijah (Part 2): Fed by a Widow (1 Kings 17:7-16)
Elijah (Part 3): The Great Contest (1 Kings 18:17-46)
ElishaSeven Ducks in Muddy Water (Part 1) (2 Kings 5:1-11)
Seven Ducks in Muddy Water (Part 2) (2 Kings 5:11-27)
EstherThe Girl Who Moved to a Palace - Part 1 (Esther 2:1-16)
The Girl Who Moved to a Palace - Part 2 (Esther 2:15-23)
The Girl Who Moved to a Palace - Part 3 (Esther 2:21-23; 3; 4:1-16)
The Girl Who Moved to a Palace - Part 4 (Esther 5; 6:1-3)
The Girl Who Moved to a Palace - Part 5 (Esther 6:4-14; 7)
GideonA Poor Man with a Mighty Calling (Judges 6:1-24)
Pulling Down Strongholds (Judges 6:25-32)
Trusting God, Not Yourself (Judges 6:33-7:12)
Trumpets, Torches and the Sword of the Lord (Judges 7:9-22)
JacobVery Different Twins (Genesis 25:20-28)
Trading Heaven for a Bowl of Stew (Genesis 25:24-34)
Lies, Deceit, and Trickery (Genesis 27:1 - 28:5)
Ladder to Heaven (Genesis 28:1-5, 10-22)
The Trick's on Jacob (Genesis 29:1-30)
The Baby Competition Is On! (Genesis 29:31 - 30:24 & 35:16-18)
Speckles, Streaks and Spots (Genesis 30:25 - 31:55)
A Happy Reunion (Genesis 32:1 - 33:20)
JephthahA Promise Is a Promise (Judges 10:6-11:40; Hebrews 11:32)
JoashThe Child Who Was a King (2 Kings 11 - 12 and 2 Chronicles 24)
JobJob's Faithfulness (Job 1:1-22; 2:7-10; 42:7-17)
JonahA Fishy Tale (Jonah 1-4)
My Poor Gourd! (Jonah 4:1-11)
JosephA Coat and a Dream (Genesis 37:1-36 and 39:1-6)
Joseph Resists Temptation (Genesis 39:1-23)
The Butler, The Baker, and Two Dreams (Genesis 40:1-23)
From The Prison To The Palace (Genesis 41:1-43)
The L-O-N-G Shopping Trip (Genesis 41:46-42:38)
The Big Feast (Genesis 43:1-34)
It's in the Bag! (Genesis 44:1-45:24)
Hey, Egypt! Here We Come! (Genesis 44:24-50:22)
JoshuaGroomed for a Purpose (Joshua 1:1-11; Exodus 17, 24:13, 33:11; Numbers 27:18-23, 32:17; Deuteronomy 31:23, 34:9)
Faith's Scarlet Thread (Joshua 2:1-24)
Crossing Over God's Way — The First Step of Faith (Joshua 3:1-5:12)
When the Walls Came Tumbling Down (Joshua 5:13-6:27)
Caught Red-Handed (Joshua 7:1-8:35) or (click here for child edition)
Let's Join the Winning Team (Joshua 9:1-27; Luke 14:31-32)
Sun and Moon Stopping Prayer (Joshua 10:1-43; 11:23; 12:24)
The Best Portion (Joshua 13:1-24:33)
MosesA Princess Finds a Basket (Exodus 1:6-2:10)
Muscle Man Moses Forced to Flee (Exodus 2:11-25)
Moses and the Burning Bush That Did Not Burn (Exodus 3:1 - 4:20)
Moses and Aaron Meet Unfair Pharaoh (Exodus 4:18-6:8)
Stubborn Pharaoh Learns the Hard Way Who God Is — Part 1 (Exodus 6:28-11:10)
Stubborn Pharaoh Learns the Hard Way Who God Is — Part 2 (Exodus 9:1-39)
Stubborn Pharaoh Learns the Hard Way Who God Is — Part 3 (Exodus 10:1-11:10)
Saved from Death by the Passover Lamb (Exodus 12:1-28, Acts 20:6-13)
On Your Mark, Get Set, Exodus! (Exodus 12:29-13:22)
Baptized in the Red Sea (Exodus 14:1-15:27)
Hungry Hearts (Exodus 16:1-36)
Sweet Living Waters (Exodus 15:22-27; 17:1-7)
Handy Helpers (Exodus 17:8-18:27)
To Be Written on Hearts (Exodus 19:1-20:21)
Golden Calf Goof-Off (Exodus 24:1-18; 32:1-35)
Spying, Crying, & Dying (Numbers 13:1-14:45)
Strike One. Strike Two. You're Out! (Numbers 20:1-13)
Snake Stake (Numbers 20:14-21:10)
RuthLife's Not Fair! (Ruth 1-2)
SamsonParental Guidance (Judges 13:1-25)
A Superhero in Love (Judges 14:1-19)
Torched Tails (Judges 15:1-20)
Dating Dangerous Delilah (Judges 16:1-21)
Real Power (Judges 16:21-31)
SamuelAsked From the Lord (1 Samuel 1-2:11)
A Voice in the Night (1 Samuel 2:1-26; 3:1-21)
ShamaBean Patch (2 Samuel 23:11-12)
SolomonYour Wish Is Granted! (1 Kings 1-3)
Part 2 - Stories of the New Testament
JesusAdventure in Cana (John 2:1-11)
Adventure on the Way to Jerusalem (Luke 17:11-19) or (click here for teen edition)
A Soldier's Faith (Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:1-10)
A Special Dinner Guest (Luke 10:38-42)
A Spot of Bother (Luke 5:12-16)
Back from the Dead! (John 11:1-45)
Faith Feet (Matthew 14:22-36; Mark 6:45-56; John 6:16-21)
Give Your Gift: God Will Use It (John 6:1-15 and Luke 9:11-17)
It Is Written! (Matthew 3:13-17; 4:1-11; Mark 1:9-13; Luke 3:21,22; 4:1-13; John 1:31-34)
Missing! (Luke 15:3-7)
Murple the Purple Flurple's Adventure in Capernaum (Mark 5:22-43)
One Giant Leap of Gratitude (Luke 17:11-19) or (click here for child edition)
Strange and Miraculous! (Acts 1:1-14 and Acts 2:1-41)
The Big Catch (John 21:1-14)
The Big Surprise! (Luke 5:17-26)
The Easter Story (Matthew 27:55-28:10; Mark 15:40-16:14; Luke 23:47-24:35; John 19:38-20:21)
The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
The Greatest Gift (Luke 2:1-7)
The King Is Coming! (Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-10; Luke 19:29-40; John 12:12-14)
The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
The Woman at the Well (John 4:4-42)
Tree Trouble! (Luke 19:1-10)
What Kind of Dirt Are You? (Matthew 13:3-8; 18-23)
DorcasBeloved Seamstress (Acts 9:36-42)
John MarkJohn Mark (Acts 15:35-41; 2 Timothy 4:11)
Paul (Saul)The Big Change (Acts 9:1-12)
Jail Break! (Acts 16:16-35)
Shipwrecked! (Acts 27:1-44)
Peter & JohnExcitement at the Temple Gate (Acts 3:1-12)
The Fruit of the SpiritIntroduction (Galatians 5:19-26)
Love: Jesus Loves Children (1 Corinthians 13:1-3; Matthew 19:1-15; Mark 10:1-15; Luke 18:15-17)
Joy: The Lost Coin (Luke 15:8-10)
Peace: Jesus Calms the Storm (Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25; Galatians 5:19-26)
Longsuffering/Patience: Waiting by the Pool (John 5:1-16; Galatians 5:19-26)
Gentleness/Kindness: The Beauty and the Beast of the Bible (1 Samuel 25:1-44)
Goodness: Who Is Good? (Matthew 7:7, 18:21-22; Luke 6:6-11,31, 8:3, 15:3-7; John 2:13-17, 8:1-11, 10:11; 15:1-5)
Faith/Faithfulness: Faithful Even in the Clouds (Acts 10:1-48)
Meekness/Humility: Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet (John 13:1-17)
Temperance/Self-Control: Don't Cave In To Temptation (1 Samuel 24:1-23)
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