The Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kids

Elia: Gevoed Deur 'n Weduwee
deur Linda Sue Pochodzay Edwards

With the ravens coming twice a day bringing bread and meat Elijah had all the provisions he needed

Text Version | English | Italian

The Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kids

(Vervolg van Deel 1)

Die Kritspruit was 'n lieflike plek. Die bome het skaduwee gegee van die warm son gedurende die dag en 'n snoesige plek om te rus gegee in die nag. Met die kraaie wat twee keer 'n dag gekom en brood en vleis gebring het, het Elia al die nodige kosvoorraad gehad. God het vir hom gesorg en hy was heel tevrede. 'n Deel van die rede waarom hy so gemaklik was met sy buitemuurse huis, was omdat daar geen reën was nie.

Dae het in weke verander…toe maande…toe jare. Elia het klein veranderings sien plaasvind. Die gras het begin bruin word. Die bome het nie soveel blare gehad nie. Die diere was kleiner as gewoonlik. Die watervlak in die spruit het laer en laer geword. Op sommige plekke kon hy die modderige bodem sien en op ander plekke, kon hy op droë grond deurloop.

Toe eendag, gebeur dit….

Elia het honger en dors wakker geword. Hy het na die spruit gegaan om water te drink, maar daar was niks. Die spruit was heeltemal droog. Hy het gewag dat die kraaie sy daaglikse kos bring. Die oggend het verbygeglip tot in die middag, maar die kraai het nie gekom nie. Elia het gewag en gewag. Die voël sou tog sekerlik sy aandete bring. Die aand het gekom en toe nag, maar die kraai het steeds nie gekom nie. WAT moes hy doen? Het God van hom VERGEET?

The Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kids

Maar, natuurlik nie! God het gehou by sy belofte, wat hy vir Elia beveel het om aan Koning Agab oor te dra. Dit was: Daar sal geen reën vir 'n lang tyd wees nie. Net toe Elia begin wonder wat hy moes doen, het hy 'n stem gehoor.

Off he went walking down the dirty road “Staan op! Gaan na Sarfat. Daar sal 'n weduwee vrou vir jou sorg.”

Hy het besef dat dit die stem van God was en daarom het hy baie, baie noukeurig geluister.

“Sarfat? My aarde, wat 'n vreemde naam! Maar as dit is waarheen God wil hê ek moet gaan, dan is dít waarheen ek sal gaan,” het Elia gedink.

Hy het vertrek en met die grondpad langs geloop. Hierdie reis was so anders as sy reis na die spruit. Dit was so warm! Daar was nêrens water nie! Hy het niks gehad om te drink nie en hy het baie dors geword. Oral waar hy gekyk het, was daar niks behalwe droë, stowwerige grond nie. Hy het 'n paar plante gesien wat probeer het om te groei, maar sonder water, het hulle verskriklik dun en maer gelyk.

Hy het warm gekry…

was moeg…


en dors….

As he got near the city gate he looked around and saw a woman
gathering sticks Maar daar was niks anders wat hy kon doen as om aan te gaan nie. Jy kan dink hoe opgewonde Elia was toe hy uiteindelik die dorpie Sarfat voor hom gesien het! Hy het haastig verder gestap. Hy het daarna uitgesien om koel water uit die put te drink! Toe hy naby die stadspoort kom, het hy rondgekyk en 'n vrou gesien houtjies bymekaarmaak.

Asseblief, bring vir my 'n bietjie water in 'n beker, sodat ek kan drink,” het hy vir die vrou gesê.

Die vrou het dadelik die houtjies neergesit en na die put geloop om vir Elia water te bring. Sy het nie baie ver geloop nie, toe sy hom weer hoor roep na haar. “En bring asseblief vir my 'n stukkie brood.”

Please bring me a little water in a jar so that I can have a drink he said to the woman Die vrou het ietwat geskrik en omgedraai na Elia toe. “Ek het geen brood nie,” het sy met 'n frons gesê. “Al wat ek het, is 'n handjievol meel op die bodem van die pot en 'n klein bietjie olie. Ek het hierheen gekom om twee houtjies op te tel om 'n vuur te maak om 'n klein broodkoekie vir my en my seun te bak. Daarna, skat ek, sal ons van honger doodgaan, omdat daar nie meer kos is nie.”

O my aarde! Wat gaan nou gebeur? Dit was dieselfde weduvrou wat God belowe het Elia sou voed. Sy het nie eers genoeg kos gehad om een goeie maaltyd vir haar en haar seun te maak nie. Hoe kon sy in staat wees om vir Elia te sorg?

The Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kids

Dont be afraid Elijah said to the worried widow woman “Moenie bang wees nie,” het Elia vir die bekommerde vrou gesê. “Gaan! Doen soos wat jy gesê het! Maak die vuur en bak die roosterkoek, maar bring dit eerste vir my. Laat EK eerste eet. Maak dan iets vir jou en jou seun. Die Here God sê dat die meel in die pot nie sal leeg word nie en die kan olie sal altyd vol wees tot op die dag waarop die Here reën sal stuur.”

Huiwerig, het die vrou die meel uit die pot geneem. Sy het toe die laaste bietjie olie uit die kan gegiet. Sy het dit saam gemeng en die mengsel in 'n klein pannetjie op die vuur, wat sy gemaak het, gesit. Toe dit gaar was, het sy dit op 'n bord gesit. Toe het sy vir 'n oomblik gestop en gedink.

As ek hierdie laaste klein roosterkoekie vir Elia gee, wat sal ek en my seun eet? Sal die woorde wat Elia gespreek het waar word? Sal God die pot vol meel hou en die kan vol olie soos Elia gesê het?

The widow knew that
she had to give him the pancake Toe het sy iets onthou. Sy het gehoor van die man genaamd Elia. Hy was die een wat voor Koning Agab gestaan het en hulle vertel het daar sal geen reën wees totdat hy so sê nie. Aan die begin het die mense hom gespot en hom nie geglo nie. Hmmm…. hulle ALMAL het hom nou geglo! Dit het vir 'n baie lang tyd nie gereën nie en baie mense, die koning ingesluit, het Elia geblameer. Die weduwee het geweet dat sy vir hom die roosterkoek moes gee.

Nadat Elia die klein roosterkoekie geëet het, het die vrou na die pot gegaan. Sy was amper te bang om te kyk.

Stadig, het sy die deksel opgelig….

Sy het na binne geloer….

Wat het sy gesien?

Daar was OORGENOEG meel.

Slowly she removed the lid and peaked inside there was plenty of flour Sy het genoeg opgeskep om vir haarself en haar seun 'n roosterkoek te maak. Sy het die kan olie opgetel en gevind dit was vol. Sy het genoeg uitgegiet om dit met die meel te meng. Sy het die deeg in die pan gegooi en dit op die vuur gesit om gaar te word. Hulle almal het 'n heerlike roosterkoek vir ete gehad daardie dag.

Die weduwee en haar seun het geleer dat Elia die waarheid gepraat het. Nie net was daar genoeg meel en olie vir roosterkoek vir daardie dag nie; daar was genoeg meel en olie vir

die volgende dag…

en die volgende dag…

en die volgende dag….

Trouens, die pot meel het nie opgeraak en die kan olie het vol gebly totdat die Here reën gestuur het, net soos Elia gesê het. Wat 'n wonderlike God het ons nie!

(Word vervolg in Deel 3)

The Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kids


1. Toe die kraaie opgehou het om kos vir Elia te bring, het dit beteken dat God nie vir hom omgegee het nie?
2. Wat dink jy sou gebeur het as die weduwee selfsugtig was en die laaste roosterkoek vir haar en haar seun gehou het?


God het belowe om alles te voorsien wat jy nodig het.


“En my God sal elke behoefte van julle vervul na sy rykdom in heerlikheid deur Christus Jesus” (Filippense 4:19).


“Gee, en aan julle sal gegee word. 'n Goeie
maat wat ingedruk en geskud en oorlopend is, sal
hulle in jul skoot gee, want met dieselfde maat
waarmee julle meet, sal weer vir julle gemeet
word” (Lukas 6:38).

“En God het alle mag om alle genade oorvloedig
oor julle te laat wees, sodat julle altyd in alle
opsigte volop kan hê en oorvloedig kan wees tot
elke goeie werk” (2 Korinthiërs 9:8).


Hoekom dink jy het God Elia na 'n arm weduwee
gestuur wat amper geen kos oorgehad het nie en nie
na 'n ryk persoon wat oorvloed gehad het nie?

Het jy 'n behoefte? Vertel God alles daarvan en
vertrou Hom om jou te help. Miskien ken jy iemand
wat hulp nodig het. Vra God om vir jou maniere te
wys hoe jy hulle kan help.

[Na bespreking:] Moet nooit dink jy het niks om
vir God te gee nie. Met die bietjie wat jy het,
kan Hy wonderwerke verrig as jy sy Woord vertrou
en Hom met geloof gehoorsaam.


Dog and boy praying

Liewe Hemelse Vader, dankie dat U ons liefhet en
vir ons sorg elke dag. Laat ons altyd onthou
dat selfs wanneer slegte dinge gebeur en ons dit nie altyd verstaan nie,
U steeds oor ons waak en dat U in al ons behoeftes wil voorsien.
Help ons om U te vertrou en na U stem te luister.
In Jesus se Naam. Amen.

1 Konings 17:7-16

The Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kids


Flour and Oil Never Ran Out (online)
God Looked After the Widow and Her Son (online)
Widow's Jar Of Oil (online)
Woman Getting Water For Elijah (online)
Bible Heroes Coloring Book
God Always Cares (Happy Day Books)

Action Bible Coloring Book
Coloring Through the Bible (online)
Beginner's Bible Super-Duper Mighty Jumbo Coloring Book
Bible Stories Kids Love Coloring Book (ages 2 to 4)
Big Book of Bible Story Coloring Pages for Elementary Kids

God Loves You Coloring Book:
A Read-aloud Coloring Book About God's Plan for Salvation

Jesus Loves Me, This I Know, Coloring Book
My Bible Coloring Book
My Gospel Story by Colors--Activity Book
The Awesome Coloring Book of Bible Comics
The Super-Sized Book of Bible Coloring & Art
The Super-Sized Book of Bible Verse Coloring Pages
Children's Bible Coloring Books

child reading a book

Elijah (online)
Arch Books Bible Stories: Elijah Helps the Widow
Elijah and the Miraculous Jar of Oil (online)
Elijah Kingstone Comic Book
Elijah The Hungry Prophet (online)
Elijah God's Mighty Prophet
Elijah/John the Baptist Flip-Over Book
Elijah's Prayer (online)
Elijah: Obedience in a Threatening World Fisherman Bibles Studies
God's Miracle: The Story of Elijah, Bible Wise Series

Beginner's Bible
Beginner's Bible for Little Ones
Bible in Pictures For Toddlers
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Children's Books
Early Reader's Bible
100 Bible Stories 100 Bible Songs w/2 CD
Pilgrim's Progress for Kids
Spanish Children's Books

365 Activities For Kids:
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365 Read-Aloud Bedtime Bible Stories
The Complete Illustrated Children's Bible
The Picture Bible (also in Spanish)
The Preschooler's Bible
Toddler's Bible


Jigsaw Puzzle (online)
Story Cards To Keep And To Share (online)
Who Am I? (online)
Object Lesson (online)
Elijah Fill-In-The-Blanks Test (online)
Elijah Helps A Poor Widow (online)
Elijah Multiple Choice Quiz (online)

Best Book of Bible Activities
Bible Puzzles: Word Search
Big Book Of Bible Puzzles
Big Book Of Bible Story Activity Pages V1
Bingo (online)
Children's Activity Books
Children's Puzzles
Christian and educational toys
Crossword Books
Encyclopedia Of Bible Games For Children's Ministry
Jumbo Bible Activity Book 4
Memory Verse Games for Kids
Sticker Books
The Super Sized Book of Bible Puzzles

birds singing

He owns the cattle on a thousand hills,
The wealth in every mine;
He owns the rivers and the rocks and rills,
The sun and stars that shine.
Wonderful riches, more than tongue can tell -
He is my Father so they're mine as well;
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills -
I know that He will care for me.
Words and music by John W. Peterson

Angels Watching Over Me (watch online)
God Loves You Just the Way That You Are (listen online)
He's Got the Whole World in His Hands (listen online)
I Am So Glad That Jesus Loves Me (watch online)

My God is so great, so strong and so mighty.
There's nothing my God cannot do

Wide, Wide as the Ocean (watch online)
You Are My Heavenly Father (watch online)

100 Bible Stories 100 Bible Songs
Action Bible Songs
Bible Songs on CD
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100 Singalong Bible Songs For Kids

Platinum Bible Collection of Classic Christian Songs on DVD
The Bible in a Minute (online)

25 Favorite Sunday School Songs
Children's Music


Activity #1 (online)
Activity #2 (online)

Use activity #1 for younger children and
use both activities for older children.


Elijah Crafts and Activities (online)
Oil for the Widow at Zarephath craft (online)
The Widow's Oil craft (online)

Bible Crafts
Bible Craft Videos (online)
Crafting the Word of God (online)

Easy-to-Make Bible Crafts PDF for Kids
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Encyclopedia Of Bible Crafts For Preschoolers
Hot Crafts for Cool Kids pdf download
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More! Bible Crafts on a Shoe String Budget:
Paper Sacks & Cardboard Tubes

(Reproducible: Ages 5-10)

Puppet Crafts For Kids (online)

The Big Picture Bible Crafts:
101 Simple and Amazing Crafts to Help Teach Children the Bible

CDs and Videos

1 Kings 17 - Eljah audio drama (Listen online)
Elijah and the Widow (Watch online)
Elijah and the Widow Bible story (Watch online)
Superbook: Elijah and the Prophets of Baal
Superbook: Elijah and the Widow (watch online)

All the Shows, Volume 1: 1993-1999
Do You Wonder Why? (online)
God's Story from Creation to Eternity (online)
Read and Share Toddler Bible with DVD
The Jesus Storybook Bible Curriculum Kit
Bible story DVDs
Children's DVDs

The Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kids


Elijah and the Secret of His Power
Elijah Crafts and Activities (online)
Elijah And The Widow Of Zarephath (online)
Instant Bible Lessons for Toddlers: God Takes Care of Me
What is the story of Elijah and the widow? (online)

Free Bible story images (online)
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God's Wisdom for Little Boys:
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Help! I'm a Sunday School Teacher
How To Lead a Child To Christ
How to Make Bible Characters from Milk Cartons (online)
KidMin ToolBox: Boxed Book Set
King James Version Gift & Award Bibles

Leading Little Ones to God:
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Lord Teach Me To Pray For Kids
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Memory Verse Activities (online)
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Opening Prayer (online)
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Sunday School Songs: Lyrics and Tunes (online)
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Teaching Children Memory Verses Ages 4-5
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Teaching to Change Lives
The Beginner's Bible Curriculum Kit
The Jesus Storybook Bible Curriculum Kit

The Humongous Book of Bible Skits
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Vacation Bible School
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Children's resources (online)

The Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kidsThe Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kids
The Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kids

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Last updated July 3, 2023
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