The Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kids

“In your vision, you saw a frightening, huge, shining statue of a man.
The head of the statue was made of fine gold. Its chest and arms were silver,
its belly and thighs were bronze, its legs were iron, and its feet were a
combination of iron and baked clay. As you watched, a rock was cut from a mountain,
but not by human hands. It struck the feet of iron and clay, smashing them to bits.
The whole statue was crushed into small pieces of iron, clay, bronze, silver, and gold.
Then the wind blew them away without a trace, like chaff on a threshing floor. But the
rock that knocked the statue down became a great mountain that covered the whole earth”
(Daniel 2:31-35).

The Horrid Nightmare coloring page

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Northeast Ohio U.S.A.

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The Horrid Nightmare

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