The Children's Chapel Award-winning site, featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors, excellent Christian resources for children, and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kids. ~ A Ministry of The Missing Link, Inc. ~ Do you know how the very first man was made? Listen, and you will learn. THE FIRST MAN by Barbara Wilmerton Haas In four days, God created so many things. Now there was day and there was night, and there was a beautiful blue sky, and there were oceans and rivers and lakes, and there were grass and plants and trees, and there were the sun, moon and stars. God saw that all He had made was good. On the fifth day, God spoke again. This time He said, "Let birds of every kind come from the waters to fly above the earth." ***And there WAS!*** The sky was FILLED with robins, and sparrows, and eagles, and blue jays, and ducks, and every kind of bird that could fly. And God created great whales and filled the waters with every kind of fish and living creature. And God blessed them and told them to keep having more birds and more fish to FILL the sky and the seas. This all happened on the FIFTH day of creation. Now on the SIXTH day, God commanded the earth to bring forth every kind of cattle and animal imaginable. ***And the earth OBEYED!*** There were tigers, and giraffes, and zebras, and horses, and monkeys, and cows, and bears, and dogs, and cats, and squirrels. There were animals of EVERY kind! ***And God saw that it was GOOD!*** Then God spoke again. This time He said, "Let us make man in our image and let man rule over the fish in the sea, and the birds in the air, and the animals on the land." And it HAPPENED - just like He said. He created the very first MAN. And God blessed man and told him he could eat the herbs in the field and the fruit on the trees. He gave grass to the animals and the birds to eat. God saw everything that he had made, and ***it was VERY GOOD!*** That was the end of the SIXTH day of creation. So God finished making the sky and the earth and every living creature to fill the sky, the seas, and the land. And God made man and commanded him to take charge of all the birds, and the fish, and the animals. HOW did God make man? Oh, that's a WONDERFUL story! The Bible says that God shaped many out of the dust on the ground. Then God BREATHED His own breath right into that first man's nose, and you know what? Right then, that first man came alive. And God named this very first man ADAM. Then on the SEVENTH day, God ended His work and took a wonderful REST. And God blessed that seventh day and made it HOLY. Afterwards, the Bible tells us God planted a beautiful garden and He placed the man He had made in this lovely garden and told him to take care of it and keep it looking nice. And God made beautiful trees grow right up out of the ground, trees that were filled with good food to eat. In the middle of this beautiful garden, God planted two very special trees. One He called the tree of life and the other He called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God told Adam He could eat the fruit on every tree in this garden, EXCEPT for the fruit on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. "If you eat of this tree," God said, "you will surely DIE!" Now THAT sounded like a very important command to obey, didn't it? Do you think this Adam listened? Well, let's find out. The Bible tells us that God brought every animal and every bird to Adam to see what he would call them, and Adam named each bird and each animal. God saw that the man was all alone and needed someone to help him. So God made Adam fall into a very deep sleep, and, while he was sleeping, God took one of the ribs from his side, closed up his side, and used Adam's rib to make the very first WOMAN. Adam named this very first woman EVE and she became the mother of all living things. One day, while Eve was walking in the garden, a snake spoke to the woman and said, "Has God said you cannot eat the fruit of every tree in the garden?" Eve answered the snake and said, "We may eat the fruit of the trees in the garden, but God has said, we are not to eat of the tree in the middle of the garden. We are not even allowed to even TOUCH it, or we will DIE." "You will not die!" the snake said. God knows that the day you eat the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden, you will become wise as gods, knowing good and evil." Then Eve looked at the tree and saw that the fruit on the tree was beautiful and good for food. She knew that if she would eat this fruit, it would make her WISE. So she picked the fruit off the tree, took a taste and handed it to her husband to eat. When Adam ate the fruit, too, they both saw for the first time that they were naked. They ran and picked fig leaves from a tree and used the leaves to make something to cover themselves and hide their nakedness. Suddenly, they heard the voice of God walking in the garden, and Adam and Eve were frightened. So they hid themselves from the Presence of God, by crouching down among the trees in the garden. And God called to Adam saying, "Adam, where are you?" Adam KNEW he was discovered so he answered, "I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked. So I hid myself." God KNEW what they had done, but still He asked, "Who TOLD you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree that I commanded you not to touch?" And Adam answered, "The woman that you gave to be with me, gave me the fruit to taste, and I ate it." And God asked the woman, "What have you done?" Eve answered, "The snake tricked me and I ate the fruit." God turned to the snake and said, "Because you have done this, you will crawl on your belly and eat the dust of the ground all the days of your life." Then he turned to the woman and said, "You will have much sorrow and pain when you have children and your husband will rule over you." And to Adam, God said, "Because you listened to the voice of your wife and ate of the tree which I forbid you to eat from, the ground will grow thorns and thistles to stick you, and you will eat of it in sorrow all the days of your life. You were taken from the dust of the ground, and you shall return to the dust of the ground." Then God took animal skins and made special coats to cover the nakedness of Adam and Eve. And He drove them out of the garden so they would not eat of the tree of life also. And God placed angels with flaming swords at the tree of life to keep Adam and Eve from returning. ************ THINK! 1. What did God make on the FIFTH day of creation? 2. On what day did God make MAN? 3. How did God make the very first man? 4. Who named all the animals? 5. How was the very first woman made? REMEMBER God made you special, just the way you are, and He has a very special plan for your life. A VERSE TO LEARN "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul" (Genesis 2:7). ALTERNATE VERSES TO LEARN "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." (Psalm 139:14). "...He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love" (Ephesians 1:4). PRACTICAL APPLICATION God made you special, just the way you are, and He has a very special plan for your life. Now, give yourself a BIG hug and say, "God loves me and wants me to love Him back." Next, turn to a friend and tell them, "God loves you and wants you to love Him back." Then turn to God and tell Him you love Him and want to love and obey Him. LET'S PRAY **************************************************** Dear God, when I become too proud, help me to remember that I am only made of dust. Teach me to OBEY your voice and help me to do what is right. In Jesus' Name. Amen. **************************************************** CAN YOU FIND THIS STORY IN THE BIBLE? (Genesis 1:20-31; 2-3) ************ BIBLE STORY ARCHIVE Add/update a Bible story resource The Children\'s Chapel - Award-winning site, featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors, excellent Christian resources for children, and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kids Copyright (c) 2002-2022 by Barbra Wilmerton Haas You may NOT re-post this Bible story. However, you may freely link to it, provided visitors can see our web address when they click on the link. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Free Bible Stories! 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